It's about to get "real(er)"....

Yes, it's been relatively quiet (for me) on the blog front; I posted only two entries in January so far, and February is knocking at the door. Things behind the scenes haven't really been quiet, though. From doing a few radio and podcast spots, sorting logistics for upcoming gardening seminars, identifying others, sending out seeds for the dwarf tomato project, to finalizing slides and determining my own gardening plans, it's show time for 2016. And I can't wait!

Looking ahead, my first opportunity to share my stories with other gardeners will happen on Monday February 1 in Apex, followed soon after by a trip to Morehead City for an event on Thursday February 4. The month will also find Sue and I in Seattle for two talks at the Northwest Flower and Garden Show, and a week later, I will be in Chicago for a blogger lunch, seminar and seed swap. Details for all of these events can be found on this website at the Events button toward the top of my website, or by clicking here.

If all goes well, the first seeds that will produce plants for our 2016 garden will be planted in the next few days - most likely lettuce, beets, chard and kale. I may get some slow growing peppers going as well; it is going to be a bit of choreography around my upcoming trips, assessing  my presence here at home to tend to young, fragile seedlings. Thankfully, our dog and cat sitting daughter is a really fine gardener herself.

The act of planting seeds guarantees more frequent blogs, because I love to share the excitement of seeing things grow. This start of the gardening season kicks off months of daily change, surprises, and just the fun and "therapeutic mental benefit" of watching things grow and sharing the results.

For anyone looking for links to my activities to date, see below.

Garden America radio show from January 2 - listen here - this will probably be around for only a few more weeks.

America's Home Grown veggies - two appearances - January 9 is here, and January 16 is here.

The Ruminant podcast - two appearances -  first and second.

Happy listening, and please send me any questions that you have.
