I can't wait until the weekend - the Know and Grow seminar at Dow Botanical Gardens in Midland Michigan. Speaking topics for me at the event will be tomatoes (title - "Achieving the Holy Grail - Epic Tomatoes from Your Garden....stories and tips for success), and straw bale and container gardening (talk title "Great Vegetables from Straw Bales and Containers - taking your garden to where the sun shines"). It will be quick - flying to Midland on Friday, speaking on Saturday and heading home....breakfast with Sue here Sunday morning. This is going to be a really fast year.
Now - on to tomatoes. Up and growing are the following indeterminate (tall growing) varieties: Aker's West Virginia, Brandywine, Caitlin's Lucky Stripe, Cherokee Chocolate, Cherokee Green, Cherokee Purple, Coyote, Dester, Egg Yolk, Everglades, Hege German Pink, Green Giant, Large Lucky Red, Lillian's Yellow Heirloom, Little Lucky, Lucky Cross, Mexico Midget, Red Brandywine, Speckled Roman, Swokla's Heart, and Sun Gold. That's 21 varieties (significantly reduced from previous seasons) - but in my opinion, some of the cream of the crop of great tasting, reliably performing varieties.
As for dwarf tomatoes - Dwarf Beryl Beauty, Dwarf Emerald Giant, Rosella Purple, Dwarf Mr. Snow, Dwarf Wild Fred, Dwarf Kelly Green, Dwarf Sweet Sue, Rosella Crimson, Wherokowhai, Dwarf Blazing Beauty, Dwarf Pink Passion, Chocolate Lightning, Uluru Ochre, Sweet Scarlet Dwarf, Fred's Tie Dye, Dwarf Purple Heart, Summer Sweet Gold, Sarandipity, Adelaide Festival, Dwarf Russian Swirl, Dwarf Scarlet Heart, Dwarf Orange Cream, Dwarf Golden Gypsy, Tennessee Suited, Tanunda Red, TastyWine, Dwarf Wild Spudleaf, Loxton Lass, Dwarf Crimson Sockeye, Dwarf Caitydid, Dwarf Firebird Sweet, Dwarf Beauty King, Willa's Cariboo Rose, Loxton Lad, Kookaburra Cackle, Dwarf Lucky Swirl, Sturt Desert Pea, Sean's Yellow Dwarf, Boronia, BrandyFred, Sleeping Lady, and Summer Sunrise - 42 varieties - twice as many as the indeterminate types. You can see what I am particularly proud of!
Oh yes - last but not least, I am germinating seeds of ground cherry Goldie.
There will also be odds and ends - particularly of dwarf project works in progress (cherries, pastes), for those that are interested.
In future blogs, I will break down the big lists above - some descriptions, rationale for growing, etc. The big question - what I can fit into my garden this year. It will be far smaller. Some of my gardening will have to be vicariously; seeing how others are doing with my seedlings, I am sure!
For details on seedling availability and any questions you may have, please send me an email - nctomatoman@gmail.com