It feels like a good time to share how I am currently communicating, as well as receiving and responding to questions and comments.
As some of you know, I once used Weebly as a blogging platform, with the website name nctomatoman, from September 2009 until December 2015..that was my switch date to this new website, created by my daughter Sara and hosted by Squarespace. (I had a second site on Wix briefly, which ended because it seemed overkill, and confusing). When I think that there are 6 years worth of blog entries of my gardens from 2010 to 2015 sitting on my old Weebly site, my to do list does include mining them for good information to share with you - at some point!
I am trying to blog at least every two weeks. During the height of gardening season - meaning now - it could be more frequent, depending upon time, energy levels and excitement levels of discoveries that feel share-worthy.
I've done a newsletter a few times a year since Epic Tomatoes came out, but am considering ending that and finding ways to enhance this website to make news events easier to find....the newsletter mailing list is really important to me, and we will use that to ensure anyone not aware of this blog will be. Definitely some work in progress and things to ponder.
Email remains my communication method of choice for quick interactions and responses. As many of you know, if you ask a question, you will get an answer - hopefully within 24 hours. If you take the time to contact, me, you deserve a quick response...that's just how I like to do things. Feel free to drop an email to me at any time!
Aside from this website - which has my blog (which you are reading), book info, my upcoming events, info about the Dwarf tomato project and some instructional videos, I've gotten into the habit of using Facebook to post a garden picture of the day. I am actually using Facebook two ways, which often overlap - my personal page is increasingly populated by gardening info, and my author page is primarily where I post my blog. I realize some of you ask questions on my author page, and I try to check that out regularly...sending a question to my email address will always get quicker and more regular attention. Facebook Messenger is another way I am touching base with some of you. Finally, I hope to do more and more Facebook Live videos - they seem to stimulate your questions, which I can answer in a follow up blog.
I use Twitter far less, primarily to tweet out a link to my blog, for upcoming events, along with an occasional picture. Instagram is finding more use now that there is so much happening in the garden - I will often post multiple pictures per day and enjoy reading your comments.
For convenience, my Facebook Personal Page and Facebook Author Page are hot linked. My handle on both Twitter and Instagram is @nctomatoman.
My question to you who are reading this blog - is there anything you would like to see me do more - or less - of? I love to share my gardening experiences with you all, as well as learn from the information that you share with me. How is it going?
Back deck geranium