Here is the 4th major 2020 Hendersonville Garden Update, in which I will discuss my experiences with the Dwarf Tomato Project varieties I grew that are available in seed catalogs.
Our project is so big and broad, and we’ve accomplished so much with so many volunteers, that I’ve yet to grow quite a substantial portion of our releases. I whittled that number down a bit this year, and also included some favorites. What follows is a report on the released dwarfs. In general, they did not get the best garden locations (sun was lacking on quite a few), and a somewhat late planting left them vulnerable to a later season attack of downy mildew, and a later onset of late blight.
Here we go! There are 34 in this set of plants. I grew 14 of them for the very first time and was very impressed with the vast majority.
Dwarf Perfect Harmony - gorgeous color, wonderful flavor
Dwarf Perfect Harmony - Grew for the first time - planted 6399, which is from 6214, which is from 5855, which is from 5623, which is from 5297, which is from 4627, which is from T12-104, which is from 3423 - the hybrid seed Patrina sent to me - the Harmony family is Dwarf Blazing Beauty X Dwarf Sweet Sue. My plant for this year’s garden was F8 generation seed, and my saved seed is T20-38, which is now F9 generation. The potato leaf plant was not in a great location, being on the gravel in my driveway where it received less sun that optimal. The ripe tomatoes were medium sized, smooth oblate and medium orange in color which I didn’t end up tasting. Dwarf Perfect Harmony is well worth comparing to Dwarf Blazing Beauty - sadly, neither did very well for me this year.
Dwarf Mr. Snow - planted T15-71 is from T11-31 which is from 2819 which is from T08-37 which is from 2213 which is from T07-59 which is from 1909 which is from T06-12 which is from 1830, Sneezy F1, created by Patrina by crossing Green Giant with Golden Dwarf Champion. The plant grown this year is therefore F9 generation, and saved seed is T20-40, which is now F10 generation. The potato leaf plant was another not optimally located, yet hung in there and yielded quite well, giving medium sized oblate ivory colored, delicious tomatoes. Dwarf Mr Snow is quite distinct from another white fruited dwarf I grew for the first time and loved this year, Dwarf CC McGee. As always the flavor was excellent, with a nice element of tartness.
Dwarf Chocolate Lightning - spectacular color, flavor to match
Dwarf Chocolate Lightning - planted T16-21. This tomato is just so cool looking, as well as delicious - it is one of those that I always enjoy growing and eating. T16-21, F8 generation is from T15-17, which is from 4910, which is from T12-123, which is from T11-182, which is from 3087, which is from 2731 (F2). It was saved as T20-41, which is now F9 generation. Despite not being in a great location, the yield was excellent - the medium sized slightly oblate fruit were chocolate with distinct green stripes and a nice full flavor which I rated at 7.5.
TastyWine - planted T17-34, which was from 5970, which was from seed sent back to me by Fruition in 2017. The genealogy of the plant from this year is therefore at a bit of a muddle - seed was saved as T20-42 - which I assume is at least F6 generation. This was also a poorly located plant that eventually kicked in and provided medium sized oblate pink tomatoes. When at its best it can rival Brandywine in flavor. I am not convinced that we did the very best selection job on this one, so it could still be a bit variable, or at least not as good as it can be. I don’t have any tasting notes, since it came in really late and I ended up picking fruit partially ripe to avoid the late season diseases and critters.
Perfect specimen of Rosella Purple
Rosella Purple - planted T11-29 (F9 generation), which is from 2822 (I really went back to some older seed for this year’s plant), which is from T09-38, which is from 2515, which is from T08-98, which is from 2190, which is from 1913, which is from T06-10, which is from 1829, Sleepy F1, created when Patrina crossed Budai with Stump of the World. The seed I saved, T20-43, is therefore F10 generation. The flavor of this variety never disappoints - and this year was no exception. I rated it a 9 - right up there with the best of the indeterminate varieties.
Dwarf Hazy’s Dream - prolific purple dwarf with great flavor
Dwarf Hazy’s Dream - Grew for the first time - plated 6417, which is F11 generation, which is from 6211, which is from 5907, which is from 5588, which is from 5326, which is from 4747, which is from 4122, which is from 3395, which is from 3063, which is an F3 from Vince Lavallo. The plant I grew this year is this from F11 generation seed, and is saved as T20-44 - F12 generation. I was very pleased with fruit set, health, color (a nice purple), and flavor - in a smaller, saladette or slightly larger size. This is a fine tomato, a solid 8 in flavor, that I am glad to have finally grown.
Summertime Green on the top right, Tasmanian Chocolate on the lower right
Tasmanian Chocolate - planted T15-11, which is from 3896, which is from T08-35, which is from my Raleigh friend Lee Newman, an F4 generation. I therefore grew F6 generation seed, and it is saved as T20-46, which is F7 generation. I was amazed at the earliness of fruit set and ripeness, and delighted by the excellent, full flavor, a clear 8. It is the best tasting of our chocolate colored releases.
Dwarf Blazing Beauty - planted T19-34, which is from T14-50, which is from 4463, which is from 2840, which is from T09-106, which is from T08-56, which is from T07-10, which is from 1943, Tipsy F1 - created when Patrina crossed Elbe with Golden Dwarf Champion. So, I planted F8 generation seed, and it was saved as T20-51, which is now F9 generation. Another of the varieties suffering due to a poor location, I did manage to harvest some medium sized, bright orange tomatoes, but insect damage, cracking and blossom end rot made them suitable for seed saving, but not tasting. It’s a shame, because this is one of my favorite tasting tomatoes from our project in years when it does well.
Dwarf Moby’s Cherry ready for harvest
Dwarf Moby’s Cherry - planted 6518, which was sent to me as a selection with antho shoulders. That vial is from T17-83, which is from 5784, which is Reddy F1, my cross between Egg Yolk and Iditarod red. There was no antho on my selection this year, just a nice large yellow cherry tomato, saved as T20-98 - which is F4 generation seed. This really is a delightful larger cherry tomato, is very productive and seems to resist disease relatively well.
Summertime Green - planted T11-137 (F10 generation), which is from 2821, which is from T09-29, which is from 2517, which is from T08-33, which is from 2212, which is from T07-50, which is from 1908, which is from T06-12, which is from 1830, Sneezy F1, created when Patrina crossed Green Giant with Dwarf Golden Champion. Seeds saved this year are F11 generation, T20-56. Planted in one of the least sunny parts of the yard, fruit set came late, but the few I harvested were as delicious as expected, rating a solid 8.
Dwarf Wild Fred - planted T15-23, which is from T12-110, which is from 3475, which is from T11-35, which is from 2815, which is from 2608, which is from Vince Lavallo, an F6 selection. Therefore, T15-23 was an F11 selection. Sadly, it was one of the worst performers in my garden due to poor location and onset of disease in early August - no seeds were saved.
Rosella Crimson - a favorite pink dwarf
Rosella Crimson - planted T11-28, which is from T08-50, which is from 2214, which is from T07-27, which is from 1913, which is from T06-10, which is from 1829 - Sleepy F1, created by Patrina (described in Rosella Purple entry, above). Thus, I grew out F7 seed this year and saved seed is T20-58, which is now F8 generation. Though one of our earlier releases, it is one of our best pink tomatoes from the project. The medium sized fruit have a balanced delicious flavor, rating an 8.
Sweet Scarlet Dwarf - planted 5827, which is from Heritage seeds - this is part of the Tipsy line, and it would take a bit of work to extrapolate its genealogy (and probably would involve a bit of speculation. So, without specifying the generation of seed I planted, seed from this year’s harvest is saved as T20-59. I suspect it is at F6 or F7 generation - I need to do some info digging in my seed spreadsheet to see if I can find any additional info on the generation I sent to Heritage. Alas, this was not a good year for this variety. The location was not good and late season rains brought on disease before the light fruit set ripened well. A few partially ripe fruit were used for seed saving once they turned the expected scarlet. I didn’t taste them.
Dwarf Golden Gypsy - a wonderful bright yellow variety.
Dwarf Golden Gypsy - planted 5469, which is from 4847, which is from 4259, which is from 3372, which is from T09-107, which is from T08-56, which is from T07-10, which is from 1943, Tipsy F1 - created when Patrina crossed Elbe with Golden Dwarf Champion. I thus planted F8 generation seed this year, and I saved seed as T20-60, which is F9 generation. I was reminded on what a superb tomato this is. It rated an 8.5 for its full flavor with a lean toward tartness. The smooth fruit are very attractive, medium yellow on the outside, pale yellow on the inside, and very meaty.
Dwarf Wild Spudleaf - one of the most reliable purple dwarfs
Dwarf Wild Spudleaf - planted T16-17 (F8 generation), which is from 5485, which is from 4530, which is from 3212, which is from 2956, which is from 2952, which is from 2553, which is from 2496, which Frosty F1 - Vince Lavallo’s cross of Spudakee with Dwarf Wild Fred. Seed saved from this year’s crop is T20-45, F9 generation. I’ve found this to be a very reliable yielder season to season. The medium sized smooth purple fruit are quite delicious, another solid 8 rating. This should be considered as a worthy alternative variety to grow if Rosella Purple doesn’t work out in your garden - pretty much the same flavor and color in a tomato that is nearly the same size, but on an attractive potato leaf plant.
Dwarf Firebird Sweet - planted 5725, which is from 5034, which is from 4682, which is from 3206, which is from 3082, which is from 2731 - Beauty F2. Thus, I planted F7 seed this year, and seed from the tomatoes were saved as T20-61, which is F8 generation. Though in one of the less sunny locations, it set fruit early and well and the plant health hung in there until the late summer rains. The fruit fruit was enormous, at just over one pound, and later tomatoes were in the 6 ounce range. The tomatoes were pink with gold and greenish stripes, and the flavor was excellent - full and balanced, rating an 8.
Dwarf Beryl Beauty - planted T15-10, which is from T11-25, which is from 2812, which is from T09-27, which is from 2482, which is from T08-38, which is from 2198, which is from T07-75, which is from 1937, which is from T06-12, which is from 1830, Sneezy F1, created by Patrina by crossing Golden Dwarf Champion with Green Giant. Thus, I planted F11 seed, and this year’s harvest seed is saved as T20-66, F12 generation. Though in one of the worst locations for hours of sun, the plant set fruit well and yielded lots of round medium sized clear skinned, green when ripe tomatoes with a full delicious flavor, which I rated 8 on a 10 point scale. I didn’t photograph the ripe fruit.
Dwarf Cache Valley - not correct. This is essentially Amy’s Ohio (so the plant I grew a result of some continuing segregation)
Dwarf Cache Valley - Grew for the first time this year - planted 6415, which is from 6245, which is from 5364, which is from 4700, which is from T12-106, which is from 3487, Dainty F1, created by Patrina by crossing Summertime Gold with Sleeping Lady. Thus, I grew out F6 seed. I saved seed as T20-69, F7 generation. It was one of the early ripeners and very productive despite its poor location. Alas, instead of chocolate colored tomatoes, I got exactly what was expected from another Dainty offspring, Dwarf Amy’s Ohio - some reselection is clearly needed.
Aussie Drop - Grew for the first time this year - planted 6871, which is from 6577, which is from 3498, which is from a Lazy F2 selected by Patrina, from Lazy F1, which is 2436 - Lazy is a family created by Patrina by crossing Kangaroo Paw Brown with Purple Russian (now known as Ukrainian Purple). I thus planted F5 generation, and seed saved as T20-72, F6 generation. The plant was in a poor location and didn’t yield as well as I hoped - it also came on late, and the plum shaped, flavorful tomatoes were chocolate colored (I expected purple). I also didn’t get a picture of the ripe tomatoes. I need to discuss with Mike at Victory to see what color he is selling and what his growouts for seed production were like.
Dwarf Amy’s Ohio - Grew for the first time this year - planted 6397, which is from 6258, which is from 5851, which is from 5365, which is from 4702, which is from T12-106, which is from 3487 - Dainty F1 (see Dwarf Cache Valley, above, for more info). I planted F7 seed, and I saved seed from this year’s crop as T20-74. This is a really fine medium sized, prolific yellow skinned, green when ripe tomato with a delicious flavor, a solid 8.
Beauty’s Kiss, sliced - purplish near skin, trace in the center flesh
Dwarf Beauty’s Kiss - Grew for the first time this year - planted 6234 (F10 generation), which is from 5878, which is from 5677, which is from 5374, which is from 4672, which is from 4063, which is from 3365, which is from 3088, which is from 2731, Beauty F2, created by Vince Lavallo by crossing Beauty King with Dwarf Wild Fred. This year’s saved seed is T20-81, which is F11 generation. With flavor at a favorable 7.5 (nicely balanced between sweet and tart), the tomatoes were green with purplish mottling when ripe, with just a bit of the purple entering into the flesh. It produced very well.
Dwarf Suz’s Beauty - Grew for the first time this year - planted 6416, F7 seed, which is from 6232, which is from 5876, which is from 5671, which is from 5366, which is from 2731, Beauty F2 (see Beauty’s Kiss, above for more on its origin). Seed saved this year is F8, T20-92. I wish I did better with photography, as this is another that I missed. The plant was one of the better producers, with lovely medium large, smooth oblate bright yellow fruit with some faint pink marbling in and out. I really liked the flavor, too, rating it a solid 7.5.
Dwarf Beauty King - planted T17-36 (F8 seed), which is from 5726, which is from 5566, which is from 4507, which is from 3207, which is from 3082, which is from 2731, Beauty F2 - see the Beauty’s Kiss entry for more info on its origins. Seed saved from this year’s planting is F9, T20-94. Worms really decimated this, as did poor early fruit set and some blossom end rot. I only harvested a few tomatoes, didn’t taste or photograph them. It is a favorite of mine, but didn’t excel for me this year.
Dwarf Emerald Giant
Dwarf Emerald Giant - planted T11-24 (F9 seed), which is from 2818, which is from 2580, which is from T08-128, which is from 2229, which is from T07-49, which is from 1908, which is from T06-12, Sneezy F2 (family created by Patrina by crossing Golden Dwarf Champion with Green Giant). My saved seed this year is F10 T20-96. This one suffered from the mid to late August rains, and was troubled by cracking, blossom end rot and insect and worm damage. Yet the few fruit I harvested that were not damaged were utterly delicious - it is one of our favorite releases, with a flavor rating of 8.
Dwarf Sweet Sue - planted T19-36 (F14 generation), which is from T12-119, which is from T11-152, which is from 3454, which is from T11-37, which is from 3037, which is from T09-28, which is from 2511, which is from T08-45, which is from 2197, which is from T07-71, which is from 1906, which is from T06-12 - Sneezy F2 (see entry above). F15 generation seed saved this year is T20-97. I didn’t treat this one very well - it wasn’t in a great location, the container could have been bigger, and it started to ripen with the flood of many other varieties. Yet, it still rated a solid 8 - flavorful, tending to the sweet side, but well balanced. The tomatoes were slightly oblate, bright yellow and medium sized. For some reason I didn’t get a good picture.
Dwarf CC McGee is the one at the top. (Fancy selection on the left, Lillian’s Yellow Heirloom on the right)
Dwarf CC McGee - Grew for the first time this year - planted 6409 (F7 seed), which is from 6212, which is from 5858, which is from 5356, which is from 4706, which is from T12-104, which is from 3423 - Harmony F1, created by Patrina by crossing Dwarf Blazing Beauty with Dwarf Sweet Sue. My saved F8 seed is T20-104. I loved this tomato. It ranged from medium to quite large, smooth oblate, ivory colored, really delicious flavor, rated 8.5. Looking at its genealogy I am not surprised - there is more than a hint of Dwarf Mr Snow in the color and flavor.
Dwarf Noah’s Stripes - Grew for the first time this year - planted 6861, which is from 6453, which is from 5816, which is not clearly noted as to source - but likely also goes back to T12-144. My guess is that 6861 is generation F7 or F8 seed. It is very difficult to get clear genealogy in the Beauty line due to so many different selections, so much work and so many volunteers involved. This one also escaped my photography, which surprises me as it was so attractive. The initial fruit were quite large, in the one pound range. The purple tomatoes had distinct vertical green stripes. Compared with Dwarf Metallica, I found the tomatoes to be a bit larger. Flavor similarly excellent, solid 8,
Dwarf Audrey’s Love - Grew for the first time this year - planted 6877 (probably F6 generation), which is from 6646, which is from the person who selected and named it, Robin Bort. It is a product of the Kiwi family. There is a gap in my data, but Robin sent 5707 when initially named by her F3 selection work was done in 2013 - it is a cross done in 2012 between Dino Eggs and a Lazy F2 selection by Sherry Long. My saved seed from this year is T20-107. This is a really pretty tomato, small plum shape, chocolate with green stripes, green flesh mottled with crimson, very prolific, very good flavor, came on quite late for me - flavor rated 7 to 7.5. I probably under rated this one, as it came with the flood of many other varieties, and many ended up being canned. I appear to have missed photographing ripe tomatoes from the plant.
Dwarf Waverley - Grew for the first time this year - planted 6872, which is from 6557, which is from 3497, which is from 3046, which is from T09-11, which is from 2477, which is the F1 hybrid Rosy - Rosella Purple crossed with Orange Heirloom, made by Patrina. I grew out F6 seed, and seed from my harvest is saved as T20-108. High yielding plant, medium sized oblate pink fruit, very good balanced flavor, rated 7.5. Another one that escaped photography.
Dwarf Snakebite - lovely internal structure, impressive tomato!
Dwarf Snakebite - Grew for the first time this year - planted 6870, which is from 6556, which is from 3695, which is from T09-95, which is from 2530, which is from T08-2, which is from 2183, which is Grizzly F1, created by Patrina by crossing New Big Dwarf with Grozny 91. I therefore grew out F7 seed, saved as T20-111. I really liked this variety - healthy, productive plant, medium large smooth oblate tomatoes, very meaty slices, delicious balanced flavor, rated an 8.
Dwarf Metallica - Grew for the first time this year - planted 6859, which is from 6813, which is from 6168, which is from 5214 or 5212, which is from T12-144, which is from T11-148, which is from 3087, which is from 2731, Beauty F2. I grew F9 generation seed for my plant this year. This is an impressive variety - yielded well, healthy plant - tomatoes slightly oblate, medium sized, purple with greenish vertical stripes, crimson interior, rich balanced flavor rated an 8. I somehow did not snap pictures of the ripe fruit.
Dwarf Buddy’s Heart - planted 6878, F6 generation seed, which is from T18-19, which is from T17-70, which is from 5718, which is from T15-127, which is from T15-93, Speckly F1, which I created by crossing Speckled Roman with Dwarf Golden Heart. Seed this year, which is now F7, is saved as T20-103. I was pleased with the health, productivity and shape of this variety in 2020 - it is a medium to medium large scarlet red blunt heart. I found it very dense and meaty, and a bit too mild for fresh eating for my palate - but it is a great sauce and roasting tomato. I didn’t seem to take any pics of the ripe tomatoes.
Dwarf Elsie’s Fancy - planted T19-30, F5 generation seed, which is from T18-17, which is from T17-59, which is from T16-180, which is from T15-118, Acey F1, created when I crossed Variegated with Dwarf Mr. Snow. My result this year were lots of medium oblate ivory fruit on an attractive potato leaf variegated plant - which is actually the result I was looking for with Dwarf Walter’s Fancy (Elsie will be the yellow fruited variant). I didn’t get a photo of the ripe tomatoes. F6 generation seed is saved as T20-79. For those who will purchase and grow Dwarf Elsie’s Fancy and Dwarf Walter’s Fancy from Victory, it is important to clearly note the fruit color to determine if it is correct - and to feed results back to Mike Dunton. The color difference between the two can be quite subtle to inexperienced gardeners - Walter has clear skin hence looks ivory, Elsie has yellow skin, so is clearly yellow.
Dwarf Pink Livija- I planted 6860, F7 generation, which is from 6798, which is from 5523, which is from 5076, which is from 4621, which is from T12-104, which is from 3423, Harmony F1 - see the entry in Perfect Harmony, above, for further details. The F8 seed I saved is in T20-85. This variety struggled for me. The plant was lush and healthy, with enormous potato leaf foliage. Fruit set was late and shy, and then late summer brought insect damage and disease issues. I managed to harvest a few medium oblate fruit at partial ripeness, which ripened the expected pink. I didn’t get to taste or photograph the variety.
Dwarf Speckled Heart - I planted F6 generation T19-32, which is from 6530, which is from T17-125, which is from 5718, which is from T15-127, which is from T15-93, Speckly F1 - see the info on Buddy’s Heart, above, for the rest of the details. I saved seed from this year’s crop as F7 generation, T20-99. The healthy, compact dwarf produced loads of medium sized smooth scarlet hearts with gold stripes, with a full tomato flavor and lovely texture, a solid 7.5. This is one of my favorite of the recently released dwarf varieties. Somehow this is another that I missed when photographing ripe tomatoes.
Dwarf Walter’s Fancy - I planted T19-91, seed saved from a yellow tomato, which has the same genealogy as Dwarf Elsie’s Fancy, above - T19-91 is from T18-17, and the rest follows. Germination was not good at all, and the only seedling that I got to germinate and grow to near maturity didn’t ripen a fruit prior to onset of disease in late summer.
Those that exceeded my expectations - Dwarf Snakebite, Dwarf Hazy’s Dream, Dwarf Suz’s Beauty, Dwarf Beauty’s Kiss, Dwarf CC McGee, Dwarf Audrey’s Love
Met expectations - Dwarf Mr Snow, Dwarf Wild Spudleaf, Rosella Purple, Rosella Crimson, Dwarf Golden Gypsy, Dwarf Metallica, Dwarf Noah’s Stripes, Dwarf Walter’s Fancy, Dwarf Speckled Heart, Dwarf Moby’s Cherry, Dwarf Waverley, Dwarf Beryl Beauty, Dwarf Sweet Sue, Dwarf Emerald Giant, Summertime Green, Dwarf Firebird Sweet, Tasmanian Chocolate, Dwarf Chocolate Lightning, Dwarf Amy’s Ohio
Disappointing, for various reasons - Sweet Scarlet Dwarf (late, poor yield, poor quality), Dwarf Blazing Beauty (poor quality), TastyWine (late, poor quality), Dwarf Elsie’s Fancy (no fruit), Dwarf Wild Fred (no fruit), Dwarf Pink Livija (very low yield), Dwarf Buddy’s Heart (lacked flavor), Dwarf Beauty King (poor yield), Aussie Drop (wrong color), Dwarf Cache Valley (wrong color)
Released Dwarfs I’ve yet to grow: Dwarf Almandine, Dwarf Awesome, Dwarf Desert Star, Dwarf Franklin County, Dwarf Grinch, Dwarf Johnson’s Cherry, Dwarf Mary’s Cherry, Dwarf Mint Streaks, Dwarf Pink Opal, Dwarf Round Robin, Wilpena, Dwarf Edith Stone. That’s a dozen that I should put on my list for next year.