Indeterminate tomato seedlings happily growing in my office
We are in one of those times that we will likely remember for the rest of our lives. The Corona virus pandemic (COVID-19) is, and will continue to, impact the entire world. I am sure each of us is pondering what our present and future activities will be, and need to be so we can keep ourselves and our families safe.
The impact of the virus hit my speaking schedule the last few days. The Clinton Library event for May has been cancelled, and I’ve decided to pull out of the St. Charles Builders Home Show series of talks in early April. Being in an age risk group, the thought of getting on a plane and in crowds is not a pleasing one. As of today, the event was still happening, but I noticed that Missouri declared a state of emergency today, so the show may not go on.
I am in contact with Nantucket and New Mexico event folks - so far, no cancellations, but it is possible. Same with the DC Botanical Garden - still on, but watch this space.
Most important - be careful, everyone - be safe, be healthy.
I now have four flats planted with all sorts of seeds. Reports on progress will follow in the next blog.
Marlin taking stock of his new domain